Monthly Archives: April 2013

Pet Solutions First Aid Support Review

I am honored to have the chance to review Pet Solutions First Aid Support. Though the bottle says for ferrets and small animals, since I do not have any of these pets, I contacted Marshall Pet Products and asked if I could use this on my Siberian Husky, Maggie. She has terrible hot spots cause by flea dermatitis  She is on monthly flea medication but, if she comes into contact with any fleas her skin becomes terribly irritated.  They said it was fine, and they actually use it on their dog, also.

So, I began to use Pet Solutions First Aid Support on her skin. This is an all-natural product made with   Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water. It is amazing. It must give a cooling sensation because Maggie immediately stops chewing the area. If she begins to chew again, I apply the solution, and she stops. It is helping to heal her skin as well because the hair is starting to grow back after 2 weeks of using this.

Thank you Marshall Pet Products for the opportunity to review this product!

I was given a bottle of Pet Solutions First Aid Support in exchange for my review. I was not compensated in any other way and all opinions in this post are mine. If you would like to buy this product you can find it at your local Petco!